
Acrobatic duo on the 12th arronidssement festivities stage - La Loge

Thursday 1er August 2024
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During the Olympic and Paralympic Games, La Loge will be staging several shows, performances and concerts on the 12th arrondissement's festive stage.
Putting the referee and the artist in relation is at the heart of CARTON ROUGE.
It's about the moral contract with a sport, its rules and its players, or with a work, an audience and their feelings.
It's about the choice, at the second, to sort out everything that's jostling us to put a cardboard box, to stop something that wants to go on. And, in the show, the tacit choice not to stop, to carry on with a danger, a bad gesture, an emotion that overwhelms…
What if artists could blow the whistle, put things in abeyance, announce an upheaval and take a different path from the one we've been following up to now?
And what if referees were also allowed to show their confusion and emotion, to sublimate their subjectivity and express a sensitive opinion? Carton Rouge (Red Card): A tender and moving look at the place and role of the referee. A back-and-forth between a sporty, performative, standardized circus and a poetic, sensitive, embodied circus, a hyphen between 2 worlds, sport and show, to forge an alliance and have fun with what ultimately connects them.
Acrobatic duet directed by Sophia Perez - cie CABAS
With Anna Loviat and Silène Martinez
Produced by La Coopérative De Rue et De Cirque as part of CORPS ENGAGÉS/ Olympiade Culturelle, Paris 2024.
Updated on 21/06/2024

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