
On the tip of your tongue: nursery rhymes and lullabies from around the world

Monday 1er to Monday 29 July 2024
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The 5 children's libraries in Paris's 19th arrondissement - James Baldwin, Crimée, Jacqueline Dreyfus-Weill, Hergé and Benjamin Rabier - are organizing initiatives to promote access to reading and oral expression from an early age, both for their own users and for organizations that cater for toddlers and their families.
This exhibition is the fruit of a collection of nursery rhymes and lullabies from people living in the borough, from very different cultures and languages.
Nathalie Soussana, a musician in charge of collecting nursery rhymes for Didier Jeunesse, accompanied the librarians throughout the project, collecting 50 nursery rhymes and lullabies. 12 of them were set to music by musician David Doucerain and illustrated by illustrator Zeina Abirached, and are the subject of this exhibition.
A testimony to life stories, each nursery rhyme or lullaby is a precious gift from the person who has agreed to share this part of his or her childhood memories. They represent the first access to language for toddlers.
Discover this exhibition on the gates of the Buttes Chaumont park (rue Manin side) and listen to the songs right here!
The Crimée and Jacqueline Dreyfus Weill libraries are organizing mediation sessions (readings and nursery rhymes) with theLire association:

- Friday, July 12, 2024 from 10am to 12pm
- Friday, July 19, 2024 from 10am to 12pm
- Friday, July 26, 2024 from 10am to 12pm

These mediation sessions take place near the module installed on the gates of the Buttes Chaumont park, on the rue Manin side.
As part of the national children's book festival Partir en livre, which runs from June 19 to July 21 throughout France.
This exhibition is accompanied by a program of events, details of which can be consulted on the Paris libraries website.
A project carried out in partnership with Editions Didier Jeunesse.
Updated on 21/06/2024

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