
Open-air concert with Jeanne Balibar and Cléa Vincent at Parc Monceau in the 8th arrondissement

Saturday 7 September 2024
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This event is part of Un été en Formes Olympiques
For the first time, the songs on Jeanne Balibar's new album "D'ici là, tout l'été" are all written from her pen, revealing a sense of tragedy coupled with a mischievous whimsy. To guide Jeanne Balibar along the thread of her grandiose imagination, she needed an accomplice expert in profound lightness - or light depth - a sworn Doctor Pop: clé Vincent.
Two artists on the same stage for this last concert of the summer in the Parc Monceau. The concert takes place at the same time as the forum of associations and cultural players, another reason to come and enjoy an open-air Saturday!
Updated on 21/06/2024

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