
Open-air concert with Maëlle at Parc Monceau in the 8th arrondissement

Friday 2 August 2024
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This event is part of Un été en Formes Olympiques
Made famous by her win on "The Voice", self-taught talent Maëlle will be performing at the Parc Monceau, the 8th arrondissement's festival site, on August 02, 2024.
When Maëlle talks about her songs, she speaks like a painter who wants to invent new colors to sketch a world where the impossible no longer has a say. In her eyes, we can read an inextinguishable thirst for adventure, the desire to be herself. Maëllel sings like others breathe.
Self-taught, she learned to play the piano at the age of 4, then later the guitar; she sings for herself and her friends, and posts covers of Lana Del Rey, Therapie Taxi and Billie Eilish on Instagram. She composes her first songs. She signs up for The Voice. She is selected and wins. This consecration paved the way for her destiny: an album, concerts and an exhibition. Since then, she's been plotting her course, which will take her to the heart of the 8th arrondissement for a free concert at the Parc Monceau on August 2.
Updated on 21/06/2024

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