Moving around Paris during the Olympic Games: get your Games Pass

Updated on 14/05/2024
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Registration for acquiring a Games Pass is now open! Visitors will need this to travel through Paris during Olympic events. Residents and tourists will need this pass to travel through red perimeters and SILT (higher security) zones during the opening ceremony. Here's what you need to know.
To make the celebration of the Paris Games possible, ensuring the safety of people and property is essential. Smooth management of traffic flows, while maintaining social, business and cultural activities as much as possible, is also vital.
You will also need to apply for a Pass Jeux if you need to visit the following areas:
  • Competition site red perimeters (applicable only to motorized vehicles) will be activated 2h30 before the start of the first event, and will be lifted 1 hour after the end of the last event.
WARNING : Games Passes will not be granted if you simply need to cross a perimeter.
This free and personal QR code will be your pass to getting through access points around these perimeters. Identity checks and bag searches will be operated by police and security forces.
All individuals over 13 years of age must be acquire a Games Pass (even if they are in a vehicle).
Reasons for access (residence, work, delivery, breakdown service, moving house, medical appointment, etc.) must be justified during registration and acquisition of a pass.
A Games Pass can cover the entire Olympic and/or Paralympic period (for local residents, business professionals, delivery personnel, etc.) and can be used on a one-off basis for certain users (visitors, short stays).
If you have a ticket for the opening ceremony and are not visiting the perimeter in the days leading up to it, you do not need to apply.
You don't need to apply if you want to enter the opening ceremony red perimeter or competition venue blue perimeters (only proof of identity for motorized vehicles will be required).
For red perimeters activated during road races (marathon, cycling), vehicles will not be granted exemptions. Motorized traffic will be prohibited during the activation period (except in emergencies).
The online form is available in French and English. For people without access to online services, the Pass Jeux application can be downloaded and held by another person (family, employer, etc.). Registration support sessions will also be held at arrondissement town halls (mairies).

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