Olympic Torch Relay: Paris route details

Updated on 14/05/2024
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Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games torch
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From May 8th to July 26th, the Olympic Torch Relay will pave the way for the Paris 2024 Games celebrations. It will pass through Paris on July 14th and 15th. Find out when and where you'll be able to see it.
The Olympic torch relay will signal the beginning of a two-month-long celebration throughout France, which will continue during the Games and, naturally, throughout the Paralympic Torch Relay as well.
The flame represents peace, unity, and friendship among nations. In the Paris 2024 Games, it will unite individuals from diverse backgrounds, whether they are famous or otherwise. The iconic torch is set to be carried by 10,000 individuals.

Parisian relay course

The Paris route of the torch relay
For its Parisian route, the City and Paris 2024 have chosen historic, cultural, popular sites, sporting sites, major monuments and above all, places where Parisians live. The flame will travel through each arrondissement, showcasing every facet of the city.
Relay runners will also pass through places of remembrance, such as the Bataclan, the site of the 2015 terror attacks, historical landmarks like the Place de la Bastille and the National Assembly. It will also make it's way across squares like the Place de la Concorde and the Place des Vosges, and also working-class districts such as La Goutte d'Or or Belleville, or places undergoing urban transformation such as Porte de la Chapelle or the cycle paths of Rue de Rivoli. It will cross paths with places of worship such as Notre-Dame or the Grande Mosquée de Paris, cultural venues such as the Louvre or the Grand Rex, and finally woods, parks and gardens such as the Bois de Vincennes or the Buttes Chaumont. The relay will cover 31 kilometers on July 14th and 27.5 kilometers on July 15th.
Parisians will be able to watch the relay runners (120 per day in Paris) free of charge. Runners will be escorted to ensure that all safety conditions are met.

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List of locations by arrondissement

5th district

- Latin Quarter - The Sorbonne
- Pantheon
- Arab World Institute

6th district

- Senate - Jardin du Luxembourg
- Saint-Germain-des-Prés

7th district

- National Assembly

8th district

- Champs-Élysées
- Arc de Triomphe

9th district

- Olympia

10th district

- Place du Colonel-Fabien

11th district

- Bataclan
- Bastille
- République

12th district

- Bois de Vincennes - INSEP

13th district

- Butte aux Cailles
- Open-air street art museum

14th district

- Place de Catalogne

15th district

- Aerial metro opposite the Eiffel Tower
- Jardin mémorial des Enfants du Vel' d'Hiv' (Vel' d'Hiv' Children's Memorial Garden)

16th district

- Bois de Boulogne - Fondation Louis Vuitton
- Cours Simone-Mathieu - Roland-Garros Stadium

17th district

- Statues of Mulâtresse Solitude & Alexandre Dumas

18th district

- Porte de la Chapelle
- Goutte d'Or
- Butte Montmartre

19th district

- Buttes-Chaumont

20th district

- Belleville

Paris Center

- Hôtel de Ville
- Rue de Rivoli
- Carnavalet Museum
- Shoah Memorial - Wall of the Righteous
- Maison de Victor-Hugo
- Notre-Dame de Paris
- Le Louvre

Click on a district in order to get information.

An evening of festivities will close each day of the relay. During the night of July 14th to the 15th, the flame will remain on site at the Hôtel de Ville. It will set off again on the evening of July 15th for the rest of it's journey through the rest of France, returning to Paris on July 26th for the opening ceremony.

A torch with an innovative design

The torch, which will carry the Olympic and Paralympic flame, was designed by French designer Mathieu Lehanneur. It's 70 centimetres tall, with a width of 3.5 centimetres at each end, widening up to 10 centimetres in the center. It weighs 1.5 kilos and is made of recycled steel.
Tony Estanguet and Mathieu Lehanneur. Paris 2014.
After being lit at it's historical site in Olympia, Greece, the torch will make French soil in Marseille on May 8th. It will arrive by sea aboard The Belem, a majestic three-masted schooner, finishing its journey on July 26th, with the lighting of the Olympic cauldron during the opening ceremony.

Three main objectives

The Paris 2024 torch relay will carry an enthusiastic message: "Finally! The Games are coming to France!" (Ça y est, les Jeux arrivent en France !)
The relay has three main objectives:
  • Involving local communities and enabling as many people as possible to take part in the torch relay.
  • Showcase the diversity of natural and cultural heritage sites in mainland France and overseas, in line with the Paris 2024 principles of sustainability and innovation.
  • Promoting sport within society by mobilizing sports clubs and associations during the organization of the torch relay, but also by promoting France's regional diversity and the Land of Games 2024 label (Terre de Jeux 2024), which is strongly involved in promoting the role of sport for the french population.

An epic journey through France

The route of the Olympic Torch Relay was designed with the support of local authorities. Departments and territories participated in the choice of cities for Paris 2024. The organizing comity then made a selection of some fifteen meaningful sites (cultural sites, nature sites, sports sites, etc.), aligned with criteria for defining the route and vision of Paris 2024.
The torch relay will highlight the incredible wealth of our country: its heritage, its know-how, its natural landscapes, its museums, its live art shows… and, of course, its people!

One vision for sports

Although the Olympic and Paralympic relays do not take place at the same time, and the flames come from different sources, the former will include disabled torchbearers, and vice versa. Similarly, Paralympic sports will be highlighted during the Olympic relay, and vice versa.
The Paralympic flame's route will be unveiled in the coming weeks.
Key figures
64 territories involved
68 effective relay days in France
65 stopover towns closing the relay stage each day
Over 400 towns crossed
5 overseas territories crossed: Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique, French Polynesia, Reunion Island
11,000 Olympic torchbearers
1 individual relay = 200 m = 4 minutes
3,000 torchbearers will take part in collective relays
1 collective relay = 24 participants (including a captain who carries the flame) = 8 minutes on average
35 federations involved in collective relays
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