Paris improves accessibility for the Olympic and Paralympic Games

Updated on 22/05/2024
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With some 350,000 visitors with disabilities expected in Paris for the Olympic and Paralympic Games, the city is stepping up accessibility, particularly in the vicinity of Olympic venues. To help with this project, the city has called upon disability experts.
Lowering sidewalks, fitting traffic lights with sound systems, deploying guidance solutions for the visually impaired… These are just some of the projects that the City of Paris is committed to carrying out in the run-up to the Olympic and Paralympic Games. This will involve both structural improvements to urban spaces and temporary installations during sporting events.
Since November 2022, a panel of accessibility experts made up of members from five disability associations, as well as the Paris Tourist Office, Paris 2024 and event production agencies, has been meeting once a month to improve the experience of spectators and visitors with disabilities.
Five committed associations
CRAIF - Autism Resource Center Île-de-France
Unanimes - Union of national associations for the inclusion of the hearing impaired and deaf
Association Valentin Haüy - With the blind and partially sighted
APF France Handicap
Action handicap France - Disability training and awareness

These associations are committed to contributing to various projects:
Initial discussions, as well as exploratory visits, have enabled us to identify the various obstacles that disabled tourists might encounter in Paris, and the levers that could be used to reduce them.

Paris improves accessibility to venues

Structural improvements

The main aim is to repair damaged pavements and make road crossings safer: lowering sidewalks, installing/redoing warning and guidance strips, fitting traffic lights with sound systems, clearing pathways, repairing pavement defects… This work has already begun.
accessibility for the blind
The City will make sure that these improvements become part of the Games' legacy for Parisians with disabilities. The aim is to make these areas more accessible for everyday use.

Temporary installations

Finally, everything linked to temporary installations and venues will be subject to improvements: compensating for obstacles and breaks in the pathways (sidewalk renovation, cable crossings, steps, slopes, etc.), installation of accessible signage, deployment of guidance solutions for the visually impaired, volunteers along pathways, urban furniture and spaces for rest, calm, freshness… These improvements began in spring 2024.

What are accessible games? The answer with the Enjeux podcast!

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