
Circus show: Moon / Cabinet de curiosités lunaires by Bastien Dausse in the 17th arrondissement

Saturday 31 August 2024
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Moon is a constellation of small antigravity forms. A mechanical and organic exhibition to explore and contemplate, in the image of our constantly evolving universe. Between whimsical inventions and impossible acrobatics, it's a kind of farewell to our weight.
Moon is a constellation of small antigravity forms. A cabinet of mechanical and organic curiosities, in the image of our constantly evolving universe, to explore and contemplate. It's a search for moments of lightness, where we allow ourselves to dream of an everyday world of infinite physical possibilities. Each of the mechanisms imagined by Bastien Dausse provides a new answer to the question: how do we defy gravity? The acrobats question this new physicality made possible by machines, having fun with it and making it their own.
Writing, choreography & structure design: Bastien Dausse
Outside view: Satchie Noro
Performers: Bastien Dausse, Morgane Maret, Julieta Salz, Alvaro Valdés Bastien Dausse, Morgane Maret, Julieta Salz, Alvaro Valdés, Romane Vivier (alternating)
Construction: Pierre-Yves Aplincourt, Oliver Zimmerman & Association La Molette - Sébastien Leman
Costumes : Raffaëlle Bloch
Production: Compagnie Barks
[Production] UP - Circus & Performing Arts (Brussels, BE), Espace Périphérique (Paris, FR), CCN de Créteil et du Val-de-Marne (Créteil, FR), La Verrerie d'Alès - Pôle National du Cirque Occitanie (Alès, FR), Le Plongeoir - Cité du Cirque, Pôle Cirque ( Le Mans, FR), Animakt (Saulx-les-Chartreux, FR), Les Noctambules - Lieu de Fabrique (Nanterre, FR), Latitude 50 - Pôle des arts du cirque et de la rue (BE), Vertical Détour / Le Vaisseau - Fabrique artistique au Centre de Réadaptation de Coubert (Coubert, FR), Colombier- Magnanville - Résidences 22-23 (Magnanville, FR) & Cir'cuit - Network for outdoor circus (BE)
Cultural programming is provided by La Loge, an independent programming and artistic support label.

Contact: vasb.ynybtr@tznvy.pbz[info.laloge puis gmail.com après le signe @]

Updated on 21/06/2024

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