72km of bike lanes to link all Olympic and Paralympic venues

Updated on 14/05/2024
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Carrousel bridge in the colors of the Paris 2024 Games
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A total of 72 kilometers of bike paths will link all of the Games' competition venues together. Ten thousand bicycle bike rack spaces will be added to existing ones and three thousand additional Vélib' bikes will be put into service.
Do you dream of reaching the Parc des Princes from the center of Paris? Or pedaling to the new Arena at Porte de la Chapelle? The spotlight will be on cycling for these Olympic and Paralympic Games as all competition venues will be connected by bike paths. The aim is to make cycling in Paris one of the main legacies of the 2024 Paris Games.

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30 kilometers of by 2024

Cycling map of the Games: cycling network of the Paris 2024 Games
A 72-kilometre-long cycling network will link all of the Olympic venues. In Paris, nearly 30 kilometers of this path will be built between now and the Games. All cycle paths will be equipped with dedicated signage. Lanes within the vicinity of these venues will be fully decked out in Paris 2024 colors and iconography to really emphasize the Olympic spirit that is spreading through the capital.
Quai Jacques Chirac bike path in Olympic colors
These major routes will be kept on as part of the legacy of the Games and will become part of everyday life for Parisians. New tracks will serve Porte de la Chapelle and its new Arena and another one will link the center of Paris to the famous Parc des Princes stadium! In Seine-Saint-Denis, a new track will also take you to the Stade de France via the Saint-Denis canal.
Bike path at Porte de la Chapelle in the colors of the Paris 2024 Games

10,000 extra bike rack spaces at competition venues

Another positive legacy of the Games: 10,000 temporary bike racks spaces will be installed near and around Olympic venues. After the Games, these racks will be moved to sports centers, schools and municipal facilities around Paris.

3,000 additional self-service bikes

A consultation process has been launched with Parisian service providers to increase the number of bicycles available during the Games. The Autolib' Vélib' Métropole syndicate is committed to purchasing 15,000 bikes to renew and expand its fleet by 2024, representing a net increase of 3,000 self-service bikes.

25 kilometers of additional cycle lanes in Seine-Saint-Denis

Cycling Games in Seine-Saint-Denis
The Seine-Saint-Denis département's 100% cycling planaims to develop a cycling network on all 342 kilometers of the department's roads. 130 kilometers of the network are now cycleable, and a further 25 kilometers will be added by 2024.
In addition, Plaine Commune will open 20 kilometers of bicycle paths between now and the Olympic Games.
These new facilities will make it easier for local residents to get to and from the Olympic venues, as well as between Paris and Seine-Saint-Denis. Three thousand permanent bike rack spaces should also be created around the Stade de France between now and the Games.

How to get around Paris during the games? Find out in our podcast

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