Olympic and Paralympic festivities say no to gender-based abuse and sexual violence

Updated on 21/06/2024
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During the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, a variety of celebrations are being held throughout the city, especially at the Games Terrace in front of the Town Hall. These events require a system that allows people to raise awareness and report sexist and sexual violence.
Measures are being taken to combat violence against women and to promote gender equality. In light of the Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games, numerous public events are planned, which carry the risk of sexist and sexual violence.
Parisians and visitors will have tools at their disposal allowing them to identify violence, act and react if they are ever confronted with it.
Safe spaces will be set up during these festivities to accommodate people who are victims of gender-based abuse and sexual violence. These places will allow victims to take shelter and be taken care of by trained professionals in these specific issues.

Safe places at the Hôtel de Ville

Open every day from Friday July 26th to Sunday September 8th from 5 p.m. until the site closes.
Safe places around the Terrasse des Jeux
Parvis de l’Hôtel de Ville - Parvis de l’Hôtel de Ville , Paris 4e
Du vendredi 26 juillet 2024 au dimanche 08 septembre 2024
Numbers to remember
17 police emergency number
114 emergency number for the hard of hearing
119 Child abuse helpline
3919 Women's helpline for victims of assault
0800 05 95 95 Women's helpline for victims of rape

Apps to help you find shelter, report your situation

App-Elles lets you quickly alert your loved ones and contact the emergency services, associations and all the professional help available in your area.
Umay lets you inform friends and family of your whereabouts in real time, in the event of harassment or aggression, find refuge in one of their 6,500 safe places all over France, and view live alerts and dangers reported by other users.

Rape and sexual assault: what does the law say?

  • Rape is a crime punishable under the French Penal Code. "Any act of sexual penetration, of any kind whatsoever or any oral-genital act, committed on a person or on a perpetrator, through violence, constraint, threat or surprise"(articles 222-23 to 222-26 of the Penal Code).
    Attempted rape carries the same penalties. Sexual penetration can be oral, vaginal or anal, committed by a sexual organ, a finger or an object.
  • Sexual assault is a crime punishable under the French Penal Code. "Any sexual violation committed with violence, constraint, threat or surprise"(article 222-22 et seq. of the Penal Code).
  • This may involve acts (such as masturbation) :
    - performed on the victim by the aggressor,
    - performed by a victim on the aggressor,
    - on the victim herself.
  • Also punishable by law are: sexual exhibition, sexual harassment or sexual hazing, administration of a harmful substance, dissemination, without consent, of images or words, even if obtained with the express or presumed consent of the person concerned.
  • Whether committed in public, at work, by a family member, online, such violence is prohibited.

If you were a minor at the time of the incident

The law of April 21, 2021 modified the statute of limitations concerning minors:
  • If you have been the victim of rape as a minor, you can lodge a complaint up to the age of 48.
  • If you have been the victim of sexual assault as a minor, you can lodge a complaint up to the age of 28 or 38 (depending on the seriousness of the acts committed).

What should you do if a minor has confided in you?

  • Anyone aware of the deprivation, mistreatment or sexual abuse of a minor must report it to the police (masecurite.fr), to the department's Cellule de Recueil des Informations Préoccupantes (CRIP) or to the public prosecutor, under penalty of criminal prosecution (article 434-3 of the French Penal Code).
  • If you're the first person the victim confides in, encourage her to talk, assure her of your support, write down their words and inform them of your role in relation to the law.

How can I get help and protection?

  • Call the police (17) or go to the police station. Immediately after the event, while waiting for someone to take care of you, do not wash yourself;
  • The police will refer you to the Medico-Judicial Unit to collect as much evidence as possible and receive the necessary treatment and/or preventive treatment against the risks of sexually transmitted diseases and pregnancy;
  • Keep soiled clothes and linen in a paper bag, without washing them: they could be used to prove the facts and identify the aggressor;
  • In all cases, consult your doctor as soon as possible;
  • Rape and sexual assault are serious violations of fundamental human rights, in particular physical and psychological integrity;
  • You can lodge a complaint at any police station or branch if you have been threatened by the assailant, and/or obtain financial assistance for the procedure;
  • Specialized associations are here to listen to you, support you, inform you and guide you through the process;
  • Talk to someone you trust, someone close to you, a friend.

Useful contacts and resources

Victims of rape, victims of sexual assault, the law protects you. Professionals are here to listen and support you.

Emergency situation

  • Call 17 or text 114


  • Viol Femmes Informations: +33 (0) 800 05 95 95
    Listening, support, information for victims of rape
    Monday to Friday, 10 am to 7 pm
    Free, anonymous call
  • Violences Femmes Info: 39 19
    Listening, information, guidance
    7 days a week, 24 hours a day
    Free, anonymous call
  • En Avant toute(s)
    chat for
    young women
  • Allô Enfance en Danger: 119
    Free call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Cyberbullying - digital violence: 30 18
    for young people and their parents
  • Écoute Violences Femmes Handicapées: +33 (0)1 40 47 06 06
    Information and support pour disabled victims of abuse

Sexual Violence Helplines

  • AP-HP Women's Center
    - Hôpital Bichat Claude Bernard, 18th arrondissement: +33 (0)1 40 25 82 29
    - Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière, 13th arrondissement: +33 (0)1 42 17 76 97
    - Hôtel-Dieu Hospital,4th arrondissement: +33 (0)1 42 34 82 00
  • Centre du Psychotrauma de l'Institut de Victimologie, 10th arrondissement:
    +33 (0)1 43 80 44 40
  • POW'HER: +33 (0)1 71 29 50 02
    Day center for victims of abuse aged 15 to 25
  • AVFT (Association Européenne contre les Violences Faites aux Femmes au Travail):
    +33 (0)1 45 84 24 24

  • GAMS - Group for the Abolition of Sexual Mutilation: +33 (0)1 43 48 10 87

Helplines for victims of domestic violence

  • Halte Aide aux Femmes Battues (HAFB): +33 (0)1 43 48 18 66
  • Elle's Imagine'nt: +33 (0)6 61 89 47 90
    [accueil puis ellesimaginent.fr après le signe @][accueil puis ellesimaginent.fr après le signe @]npphrvy@ryyrfvzntvarag.se[accueil puis ellesimaginent.fr après le signe @] (prefer contact by e-mail)
  • Femmes solidaires: +33 (0)1 40 01 90 90
  • Paris CIDFF (Women's and Family Rights Information Center): +33 (0)1 83 64 72 01
  • Voix de femmes : +33 (0)1 30 31 05 05
    Fight against forced marriages

Helplines for victims of prostitution and pornographic violence

  • Amicale du Nid de Paris: +33 (0)1 42 02 38 22
  • Association Foyer Jorbalan (AJF): +33 (0)9 79 64 35 31
  • Mission of intervention and sensitization against human trafficking (MIST)
    [contact puis mist-association.org après le signe @][contact puis mist-association.org après le signe @]pbagnpg@zvfg-nffbpvngvba.bet[contact puis mist-association.org après le signe @]
  • Mouvement Du Nid: +33 (0) 1 42 70 92 40
  • Osez Le Féminisme
    [contact puis osezlefeminisme.fr après le signe @][contact puis osezlefeminisme.fr après le signe @]pbagnpg@bfrmyrsrzvavfzr.se[contact puis osezlefeminisme.fr après le signe @]

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